A nucleus farm and out-grower programs produce sustainable feedstock.

The biorefinery converts sustainable feedstock into low-carbon renewable fuel and power.

Sales &
Renewable fuel and power are distributed to regional customers.

Sustainable Feedstock


Sales and Distribution
Renewable Fuel Project Developers
Sunbird Bioenergy partners to develop renewable fuel projects that decarbonise industrial sectors, particularly Scope 1 and 2 emissions.
Our team and development partners, can design, construct and operate biorefineries that produce renewable fuel for industries including: Agriculture, Aviation, Cement, Maritime, Mining and Power.
A viable project comprises of:

Each project requires a source of sustainable feedstock for the biorefinery.
Sufficient land and/or an out-grower program to source sustainable feedstock for the project.
Typical feedstock includes:
Agricultural waste
Solid municipal waste (MSW)
Renewable Fuel & Power

The biorefinery converts sustainable feedstock into renewable fuel and other by-products.
Typically, our biorefineries have an annual production capacity of approximately 100 million of renewable fuel (the equivalent of 7.9 million barrels of petroleum):
Bioethanol (anhydrous ethyl alcohol v/v 99.6%)
Our renewable fuels reduce greenhouse gas emissions (carbon dioxide) by up to 80%. They are blended with fossil fuel and retailed through conventional fuel pumps at retail refuelling stations in the following blending ratios:
Petrol (E5, E10, E20 or E85)
Diesel (B5, B20 or B100
Renewable fuel and power is sold to domestic customers and exported.
A clear route to market. Preferably with long-term domestic off-take agreements and/or export contracts.
Domestic Consumption:
Domestic fuel blending program
Clean-cooking program
Industrial customers
Access to commercial port
Future Fuels

The biorefinery will support the future transition to hydrogen and electrification.
Sunbird has a development roadmap to produce future renewable fuels, including:
Green hydrogen
Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)
Green ammonia

For Developers
Sunbird Bioenergy partners with organisations and entrepreneurs to develop renewable fuel projects.