Sunbird Bioenergy
Business Description

Sunbird Bioenergy is a developer and operator of large-scale bioenergy projects in sub-Saharan Africa that deliver strong returns for our investors and substantial social-economic benefits for our host countries and communities.
Our primary product is renewable fuel (bioethanol) that we sell to fuel distributors in Africa for blending into the fuel supply chain and as bulk export to Europe. Our renewable fuel reduces carbon dioxide emissions by up to 80% and helps countries meet their fuel blending mandates such as E10, E20 and E85.
We earn additional revenue from the sale of low-carbon renewable power that is produced from the waste from our bioenergy processes. This is sold nationally via the domestic grid as well as to locally connected micro grid customers. Income is also generated from other by-products that include; extra neutral alcohol (ENA), carbon dioxide (dry ice), sugar and cassava chips.
A typical bioenergy project comprises of a nucleus farm to sustainably grow agricultural feedstock, a biorefinery to convert the feedstock into renewable fuel and power, and sales and trading operations. We are currently operating in Zambia and Sierra Leone and developing projects in Congo, Nigeria and Zimbabwe.
Delivering for all Stakeholders

We are an ESG and impact investment in the renewable energy sector that delivers beneficial social and environmental impact alongside financial returns for our investors.
We issue our environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) report to shareholders alongside our annual report, and measure our sustainability progress against the UN Social Development Goals (SDGs).
We support our host governments at a national level by:
Reducing greenhouse gasses (carbon dioxide - CO2) emissions
Deliver energy security and cleaner, lower-cost renewable fuel and power
Import substitution of petroleum products
Job creation and rural development
Our host communities benefit from:
Direct local employment and training programs
Substantial economic opportunities for out-growers and farmer development programs
Economic multiplier that increases local wealth and reduces poverty
Business Strategy

Sunbird Bioenergy is developing a portfolio of large-scale bioenergy projects, and our mission is to become the largest producer of renewable fuel across Africa.
We develop and operate large-scale projects, usually in association with the government, that produce substantial volumes of renewable fuel and power for the domestic economy and bulk export.
Our initial focus is to produce first-generation biofuels that convert agricultural feedstock into renewable fuels. These are blended into the existing fuel supply chain to reduce their carbon intensity without any substantial changes to existing infrastructure and engine technology.
However, many innovative technologies will be required to support the energy transition and completely decarbonise the transportation sector. Overtime, the energy mix will likely migrate to electrification for urban vehicles, and low-carbon renewable fuels such as hydrogen, methanol, ammonia and SAF for commercial vehicles, maritime vessels and aviation.
We have a development roadmap to commercialise and scale-up clean technologies that create these long-term low-carbon renewable fuels. Today, this includes developing second generation biofuel projects that use municipal waste as a feedstock, and small-scale green-hydrogen projects to supply the early adopters of fuel-cell transportation.
Longer term, we believe Africa has sufficient natural resources (solar, wind, land, water) to become a net producer of renewable fuel and power. The opportunity it to displace all imports of fossil fuels and for Africa to become a renewable energy exporter.
The company is developing a board of directors and leadership team commensurate with our ambition to list on the LSE AIM market.
Richard Bennett is the founder and CEO of Sunbird Bioenergy and is implementing his vision to create a compelling 21st century energy company that leads Africa’s energy transition to a net-zero and energy independent future.
Sunbird Bioenergy is a private company owned by shareholders.
Sunbird Bioenergy intends to list on an international stock exchange in the near future.